AI Computer Vision Checkout Free Shopping for International Client
In 2024, I was the lead TPM for an a major international client to implement an end to end check out free technology to their fleet of stores in South America. This was world’s largest fleet of checkout free stores in South America to implement AI computer vision product recognition with automatic payments.
Overcoming Data Ingestion Challenges for health Tech Startup
I was the first TPM hired at Verana Health supporting product development of veraQ Enterprise data platform, a population health data engine for life science research and development with over 90M de-identified patients, 20 thousand healthcare providers across three registries.
Overhauling a Major Health Data Platform
The existing data platform was highly unstable and frequently experienced failures. Job runs would often crash and require restarts, even after running for multiple days. This instability resulted in significant costs, amounting to tens of thousands of dollars. Additionally, job run times consistently exceeded SLA thresholds and reached the maximum capacity for scaling ontologies. To address these challenges, the entire conveyor data platform was slated for replacement with a faster, more scalable, stable, and cost-efficient Data Aggregator.